Blessed Financial Group

Protecting You, Your Family and Your Business

Blessed Financial Group

We work with successful small business owner to build a better benefits plan than they can get anywhere else.

Should I or Shouldn’t I

Deciding to offer an employee benefits plan for the first time is a big decision for any business. But for small business owners, this is particularly true.

Blessed Financial Group (aka BFG Benefits) began as a small business more than twenty years ago. We know the struggles many small businesses face. High overhead costs, thin margins, and little cash flow (at least at first) can make providing employee benefits seem almost out of reach.

However, employers should know benefits can be affordable for a small business, and they’re quickly becoming essential to remain competitive.

Why Should A Small Business Offer Employee Benefits?

Your first group benefits plan doesn’t need to include everything. Employees will still feel valued and cared for even if you start small.

A small business will benefit greatly from offering a competitive benefits plan in four key ways:

#1. Protect Your Employees

The benefits you provide through your group insurance plan can help to keep employees happy, healthy, and financially secure. Employers should consider their benefits philosophy(the “why” behind the plan) and seek employee feedback before making any decisions.

#2. Boost Employee Engagement, Retention, and Job Satisfaction

Offering a benefits plan shows your employees that you value their health and works to build trust and loyalty between you and your employees.

Individuals who are covered under an employer’s benefit plan report higher engagement and satisfaction in their roles and are more engaged in their work.

#3. Attract and Retain Top Talent

Next to salary, employee benefits are the most important tool for attracting and retaining employees. Prospective employees are looking at an employer’s benefits plan when job-hunting, so if your goal is to get the right people in the right roles, a group insurance plan can help — regardless of company size.

#4. Remain Competitive in the Industry

The right employee benefits plan can position you in your industry as an employer of choice. Employees are carefully considering their total compensation package when applying for jobs. You may be losing great candidates to your competitors who do have benefits offerings.

Posted 107 weeks ago

What do over 50% of Canadian Businesses have in common?

Did you know that almost 55% of Canadian Businesses have less than 4 employees?  

Yet finding a group benefits plan that works well for a small business can be a challenge. Many fully insured plans aren’t available to businesses with so few employees or come with limited options.

To add to that, small businesses are often implementing group benefits for the first time, and that means lots of questions, resources, and necessary support, which is where a Benefits Consultant like myself shines.

Why would you want to offer Employee Benefits?

With our even tighter labour market, employees are looking for more from their employers.  According to a recent survey, 68% of employees are more than willing to move to another employer if they offer a benefit package or a better package than they currently have.

What Small Business Employee Benefits Should You Have? 

The answer to this varies, as not all small businesses are the same.  However, in order to remain competitive in your industry and attract and retain top talent, you’ll likely want to consider what others are offering and match or exceed them. 

We looked at our own block of business, comprised of small business, to identify which benefits were favoured by our clients for their employees.  Here’s what we found were the most common employee benefits among small businesses: 

  • Extended Health Care (Prescription Drugs, Chiropractors, Registered Message Therapists) 
  • Dental Insurance 
  • Life and Dependent Life Insurance 
  • Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance 
  • Health Spending Accounts or Wellness Spending Accounts.

So, where do you begin?  That is a great question.  Let’s have a 10 minute chat and discuss how we are able to help you attract and retain your top talent while being competitive and help to protect you from Employee Liability.

Posted 114 weeks ago
<p>Many Canadians have been looking for alternatives to healthcare as some of
our doctor’s offices are closed or they are only taking urgent/high priority
cases.  There is an alternative.</p><p>Snodgrass Group Insurance is pleased to announce a new partnership with TIA
Health to provide virtual care for our clients, family and friends.  In a few simple steps you can be connected
with a doctor virtually to help with any medical issue.  What we enjoy about TIA Health is that for
residents of Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia you can receive free access
to virtual healthcare with a valid health card. 
For those who live in other provinces, TIA Health offers the lowest
pricing across Canada.</p><p>To learn more visit <a href=""></a></p><p>Take care and stay safe.</p>

Many Canadians have been looking for alternatives to healthcare as some of our doctor’s offices are closed or they are only taking urgent/high priority cases.  There is an alternative.

Snodgrass Group Insurance is pleased to announce a new partnership with TIA Health to provide virtual care for our clients, family and friends.  In a few simple steps you can be connected with a doctor virtually to help with any medical issue.  What we enjoy about TIA Health is that for residents of Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia you can receive free access to virtual healthcare with a valid health card. For those who live in other provinces, TIA Health offers the lowest pricing across Canada.

To learn more visit

Take care and stay safe.

Posted 219 weeks ago

What’s All The Panic About?

Really, another article about COVID-19?

What you don’t want me to write another article about COVID-19?

Hmm, what can I write about then?

As you could imagine we have been keeping an eye on the Coronavirus, and what is happening with our society and culture. Canada has always been a warm and welcoming country.  We typically look out for one another and typically help our neighbours.  As we saw at the beginning of the worldwide pandemic, the store shelves were being cleared by those in a panic.

Why such a panic?

Simply put, we don’t know what will happen in the coming days.  COVID-19 is part of the Coronavirus diseases.  This is the same virus family that brings us the common cold. What makes this so different from the common cold or the flu? We have never seen this mutation until now.  Unlike other coronaviruses that we have seen in the past – we do not have an immunity built up in our systems.  This can be quite concerning because we don’t know what will happen with it.  This much we know, we have survived other illnesses in the past and we will survive this too.

So what can we do? 

Follow the advice of our Health Care professionals:

 WHO is recommending that people take simple precautions to reduce exposure to and transmission of the virus.

The UN agency advises people to:

  • Frequently wash their hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or warm     water and soap;
  • Cover their mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or tissue when     sneezing or coughing, and dispose of used tissues into a lidded garbage bin, then wash hands thoroughly;
  • Avoid close contact with anyone who has a fever or cough
  • Seek early medical help if they have a fever, cough and difficulty     breathing, and share their travel history with healthcare providers
  • Avoid direct, unprotected contact with live animals and surfaces in     contact with animals when visiting live markets in affected areas
  • Avoid eating raw or under-cooked animal products and exercise care     when handling raw meat, milk or animal organs to avoid cross-contamination with uncooked food.

What about our investments?

Don’t make any rash decisions.  You put your trust in the advice of your advisor and they would have done all that they can to be sure you were in the right investments.  Your advisor should be in contact with you shortly to discuss your investments and what is happening with them and the market.  If you don’t hear from your advisor - let us know and we can put you in contact with another advisor that can help you.

What else can be done?

As we are entering a new and changing world – we would like to remind you that we are here for you.  If you have any questions or concerns, need help with getting groceries or just need someone to talk to.  Please do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help.


William Snodgrass (905-912-6399) (

Posted 227 weeks ago

Protecting Your Benefits Package From Fraud

Like everything of value, your benefits plan deserves to be protected, and that includes protection from fraud and abuse.

In the last couple of years, we have started to see an uptake on Benefits Fraud.  We as humans like to believe that no one would commit these frauds, or we believe that it can’t hurt anyone, the insurance company has deep pockets.  Most people submit claims in good faith. Unfortunately, a small but important percentage see benefits as a source of extra income.  This includes Plan members who fabricate or falsify claims, Healthcare providers who submit fake claims—either on their own or in collusion with plan members.


You play an important role in preventing fraud and abuse, here’s what you can do:

  1. Treat benefits fraud and abuse as a serious matter because It is a serious offence, offenders are stealing from your plan.
  2. Increase awareness, communicate with your employees.  See that everyone receives a copy of their benefit booklet, so they are familiar with what their plan covers.
  3. Educate employees about their role in preventing fraud.
  4. Claim audits help prevent and detect benefits fraud and abuse.

See it. Report it.

If you see suspicious claim activity or have questions about fraud and abuse, contact your Insurance Carrier (click here for contact information) or your Insurance Broker.

Talk to your Broker about plan design options that can help prevent fraud and abuse

Examples of things to consider:

  • Dollar maximums on services such as medical supplies, orthotics, and massage therapy.
  • Combined maximums to decrease overall risk.
  • Co-pays to encourage employees to use their benefits wisely.
  • A Healthcare Spending Account (HSA) to limit expenses but still offer flexibility.

Need help with your benefit package or to look at different options, contact us. We are more than happy to help you with Building a Better Benefits Plan than You Can Get Anywhere Else.

Posted 228 weeks ago

Travel Advisory News - Coronavirus (COVID-19)

There has been significant media coverage during the past month regarding the impacts of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Every day, we learn a bit more and the range of people affected from various regions around the world is still growing. Here is what you need to know about the virus and your Travel insurance. 

As announced by the Government of Canada, there is currently a travel advisory for China and all non-essential travel should be avoided. There is a travel ban specifically in the Hubei Province. Any travel plans made after the date of an advisory will result in non-eligibility for medical services. We encourage clients who may be travelling to consult the Government of Canada site at 

Posted 229 weeks ago

What are the Benefits?

We are often asked what are the benefits of implementing a Wellness Strategy Program?

The benefit of a healthy workplace is much more than employee wellness. Implementing a wellness strategy can help attract, retain and engage employees: increasing satisfaction and productivity. Once the benefits are realized, it only makes sense to initiate a wellness plan. 

Advantages of implementing a wellness strategy:  

  • Reduced stress 
  • Improved workplace     morale 
  • Reduced health care     costs 
  • Fewer short and long-term     disability claims 
  • Less absenteeism 
  • Improved employee engagement     and productivity 
  • Attract and retain quality     employees 

What are some plan examples for a Wellness Strategy Program?

  • Flexible schedules and remote working options 
  • Offer fitness facilities or discounted gym memberships  
  • Fitness challenges  
  • Walking programs 
  • Flu shots 
  • In office therapies, such as chair massage 
  • Commitment to offering healthy and seasonal snacks  
  • Open communication about mental health challenges 
  • Offer your employees a comprehensive group benefits package and encourage them to use the proactive options, such as massage therapy and chiropractic care.  

One thing to keep in mind is that you will want to speak to your employees before initiating a plan to make sure it aligns with their needs, workplace and lifestyle goals – short and long-term. Encourage your employees to contribute their thoughts and ideas to increase buy-in and sustainability.  

When employees understand “why” your business wants to implement a wellness policy (ie: you care about their physical and mental health!) they will be more likely to commit to the plan, and to your company. 

6 simple steps to creating a workplace wellness plan:  

  1. Set a baseline: Look at the data to understand and identify current challenges and future benefits.  
  2. Speak to your employees: Survey them by asking about their goals and ideas for a successful wellness strategy. 
  3. Identify resources: There is a lot of information available online. Determine who is going to head up the program and determine what rewards and incentives your business will offer.  
  4. Clear communication: Share with the company the program entirely, the goals as well as the benefits. 
  5. Work towards their buy-in: Encourage participation across your entire organization. Be sure that your employees at all levels feel equal in their contribution.  
  6. Track, measure and reward: Share milestones both personal and organizational achievements plus commit to     regular progress updates.  

 Investing in a well-rounded, engaging workplace wellness program will not only benefit your employees, but your entire business! 

 If you want to learn more or need help in setting up a Wellness Strategy Plan – please do not hesitate to call us 289-489-7369 or by email:  

 We look forward to helping you to Grow and Protect You, Your Employees and Your Business.

Posted 230 weeks ago

Welcome to Snodgrass Group Insurance!

Evaluating and choosing a group insurance plan for your employees can be a difficult and time-consuming process.

  • Are you just starting a business?
  • Are you having a difficult time attracting and retaining valuable employees?
  • Do you have a benefit plan that hasn’t changed in 20 years?
  • Are you wondering how your benefit plan compares to your competitors?

 If you answered yes to any of the above, you should reach out to us for a free consultation. Depending on your needs, we will help you design a benefit plan that is customized for you and your employees and may include the following:

  • Life insurance
  • Short or Long term disability
  • Prescription Drug benefits
  • Dental
  • Extended Health benefits
  • Vision
  • Out of Country Travel
  • Employee Assistance

What we do?

At Snodgrass Group Insurance, we are an Independent brokerage working with you to build a better benefits plan than you can get anywhere else.  We ensure you have the best plan to fit your individual business needs now and in the future. Some of the services we provide: 

  1. Designing a benefit plan that is cost-effective and sustainable
  2. Full market reviews
  3. Annual renewal review
  4. Plan design and cost containment strategies
  5. Claims reporting
  6. Health Care Spending Accounts
  7. Employee seminars
Posted 231 weeks ago

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